What does TA / HR look like in 2035?
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What does TA / HR look like in 2035?

Future thinking workshop report
We brought together the thinking of 50+ of the UKs most influential leaders in this space.
The last few years have been particularly turbulent, built great resilience within the profession, however the future is completely in our hands.
Over the next 10 years we will likely explore and enjoy our career defining moments.
Increasingly sitting at and influencing the top table in our businesses. Fixing broken models and designing more sustainable ones.
Shaping the future of candidate attraction, retention and the future of work experience is the common mission amongst all our House of Visionaries residents.
The report covers:
Data – A state of TA and HR survey from 80+ community members
Insight – a window into the future through looking at our Mega Trends
Practical – practical solutions to change our businesses and the industry forever
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